BIBLICAL OVERVIEW Genesis to Revelation Page 1 From the Creation to now - using ~500 yr increments
A.M. = Anno Mundi = Years of the World B.C. = Before Christ 00 A.M. = 4003 B.C. Adam was created.
+ 1000 yrs 930 A.M. 3073 B.C. Adam died.
+ 500 yrs 1656 A.M. 2347 B.C. the Flood of Noah's Ark.
+ 500 yrs 2008 A.M. 1995 B.C. Abraham born.
+ 500 yrs 2457 1546 B.C. Moses born.
+ 500 yrs 2537 1466 B.C. the EXODUS of Israel from Egypt 40 yrs in the wilderness. 2577 1426 1st yr in the PROMISED LAND of Canaan 400 yrs of JUDGES. + 500 yrs 2944 1059 B.C. King David is born.
3017 986 TEMPLE begun by King Solomon. 3024 979 " finished " " " .
+500 yrs 3417 586 B.C. Jerusalem taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
+ 500 yrs 3999 A.M. ~ 4 B.C. Jesus THE CHRIST of Nazareth is born. 4029 ~ 27 A.D. ... His 1st yr of Ministry at about 30 yrs of age. 4032 ~ 30 ... His Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension & Pentecost. 4072 70 A.D. Jerusalem & the Temple destroyed by the Romans under Titus.
+ 500 yrs ~4500 ~300-500 A.D. the Roman Empire transforms itself into the Roman Church the Christians go underground the Dark Ages begin. ~600 A.D. Muhammads Koran > Islam > Muslim religion.
+ 500 yrs ~5000 ~1000 the beginning of the millennia of enlightenment.
+ 500 yrs ~5500 ~1500 the Reformation (not Revival) of many Roman Catholics & others into Protestants.
+ 500 yrs 5950 A.M. 1948 the Jews return to Israel.
6007 A.M. 2005 A.D. Jewish calendar = 5765 ... BIRTH PANGS
NOW we are living in the time Jesus spoke of in Mathew chapter 24 verses 3 to 14 referred to as the Birth Pangs the 4 horses in revelation chapter 6 are parallel verses catastrophic events are growing in number and magnitude exponentially!
Page 2 Now & NEXT !!! *1 - *10 are links to the What Next article
1) The ROMAN EMPIRE "REVIVING" ... starting with the unification of Europe. *1
2) The 'BEGGINING of SORROWS' called the time of 'Birth Pangs' or '4 Horses': Jesus, foretold the global natural & human induced calamities of our time ... many deceivers would deceive many ... iniquity would abound ... true love would grow cold ... & admonished, he that shall endure to the end shall be saved. Many are beginning to 'fall away' from the truth of the Gospel.*2
3) The BEAST FALSE PROPHET & MARK of the BEAST Antichrist 666 ... an anti-God World Leader & his Promoter shall rule a deceived world by terrine ... crushing God's elect & others who appose him & his mark, accelerating the number of those 'falling away' from the truth of the Gospel,*3 ... culminating in ...
4) The GREAT TRIBULATION: the worst persecution of Gods people that has ever been or ever shall be, often confused with the Wrath of God (the plagues in Revelation). Many shall 'fall away' from the truth of the Gospel.*4 * God Will Provide Refuge in the Wilderness for His people, who are listening & obeying His Spirit. *4-1
5) The "FIRST RESURRECTION" known as The "RAPTURE" ... Jesus comes in the Clouds & takes His people to heaven.*5 * The Marriage Feast of The Lamb with those raptured to heaven. *5-1 * The Sealing of 144,000 Jews appointed to be servants of God & His witnesses on earth 'after' the Rapture. *5-2
6) The WRATH of GOD the Plagues of the 7 Trumpets & 7 Vials in Revelation. *6 * The 2 Witnesses Prophesy. *6-1 * Babylon Destroyed.*6-2
7) ARMAGEDDON Jesus comes from heaven with those He raptured, as His army to destroy the armies gathered to conquer Israel the Antichrist and False Prophet are cast into the lake of fire Satan is bound for 1,000 years; during the Millennial Reign of Christ. *7
8) The MILLENNIAL REIGN of CHRIST on earth, with those Jesus raptured to heaven, as His kings and priests. After a 1000 yrs Satan is released (1 final time), to tempt those that replenish the earth, culminating in the battle of Gog and Magod (the final attempt of Satan and his evil followers to destroy Gods people God sends down fire and destroys them and the planet and puts Satan in the lake of fire. *8
9) The WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT of GOD: everyone that did not finally, truly repent for rebelling against God is thrown into the lake of fire. *9
10) A NEW HEAVEN & A NEW EARTH: God recreates a new perfect earth for all who proved their love for God through obedience in spite of persecution ... to live with Him in perfect eternal peace and harmony ... a perpetual tropical paradise as it was in the Garden of Eden. Amen. *10
Related Material: 10 Final Events, by Jesus, Paul & John (~30-100 AD)
Copyright © 2004-2008 Dr. Vance Coan *