APOCALYPSE The Revelation of Jesus, to John 95 AD ?
Reference > covenanter.org/ponddate
The testimony of the Christian Fathers, declares the exile of John & his writing of, The APOCALYPSE - The REVELATION to John, during the Domitian Persecution, (81-96 AD).
Irenaeus (~125-202), bishop of Lyons, in Gaul, was a disciple of Polycarp (69-155 AD), bishop of Smyrna, was a disciple of the Apostle John The Apocalypse, Irenaeus tells us, was seen (by Apostle John) not long ago, but almost in our own generation, near the end of the reign of Domitian. (Roman Emperor 81-96) Reference > wikipedia/Domitian This testimony has never been set aside, and never can be. It is enough, in & of itself.
Persecution under Nero, (64-68 AD) - martyrdoms of Peter and Paul. Persecution under Domitian, (81-96 AD) - John exiled to Patmos. Reference > religionfacts.com/persecution
But, this testimony does not stand alone.
It is affirmed, by nearly all, the more distinguished Fathers:
Victorinus, says repeatedly, that John was banished by Domitian, and in his (Domitian's) time saw the Revelation. Hippolytus, speaks of John as having been exiled to Patmos under Domitian, where he saw the Apocalypse. Eusebius, speaking of the persecution, says: In this persecution, John the apostle and evangelist, being still alive, was banished into the isle of Patmos. Jerome, in his book of illustrious men, says: Domitian, in the fourteenth year of his reign (95 AD) raised (intensified) the next persecution 'after' Nero, when John was banished to the isle of Patmos, where he wrote the Revelation. In another work, Jerome says: John was a prophet. He saw the Revelation, in the isle of Patmos, where he was banished by Domitian. So, the Apostle John saw the Apocalypse-Revelation, 95-96 AD. Sulpicius Severus says, that John, the apostle and evangelist, was banished by Domitian, to the isle of Patmos, where he had visions, and where he wrote the Revelation.
Numerous more quotations abound.
Yet, it has been said, that these testimonies are of little value, since they are all based one upon another, and ultimately upon Irenaeus. Such statements are; without evidence, with much conjecture; thus irrelevant; contrived in distant centuries, indicating false motives.
Preterism, an eschatological view that interprets prophecies of the Bible, especially Daniel and Revelation, as events which have already happened in the first century A.D. Preterism holds that Ancient Israel finds its continuation or fulfillment in the Christian church at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. The term preterism comes from the Latin praeter, which is listed in Webster's 1913 dictionary as a prefix denoting that something is "past" or "beyond," signifying that either all or a majority of Bible prophecy was fulfilled by AD 70. Reference > wikipedia/Preterism
Supposedly, one of the earliest references to preterism (perhaps the concept, NOT the term) comes from Eusebius of Caesarea (c. AD 263 339). Reference > wikipedia/Preterism 200 years after The APOCALYPSE - The REVELATION to John. The passage by Eusebius, sited; ONLY elaborates on Luke 21: 20-24; the prophesy by Jesus, of the destruction of Jerusalem, fulfilled in 70 AD; nothing elaborate enough to, substantiate Preterism, inferred or not.
Preterism holds that the contents of Revelation constitute a prophecy of events that were fulfilled in the 1st century.[57] Preterism was first expounded by the Jesuit, Luis De Alcasar during the Counter Reformation.[58][59] The preterist view served to bolster the Catholic Church's position against attacks by Protestants,[60][61] who identified the Pope with the Anti-Christ. The preterist view was slow to gain acceptance, outside the Roman Catholic Church.[13] Reference > wikipedia/Preterism
Most Problimatic, for the Roman Catholic Church, about the Apocalypse, specifically to the Vatican, is Revelation 17: 9,18; identifies Rome with the Antichrist person/system, as the Apostle John saw & wrote this when ... Rome was known as, 'The City of 7 Hills' & ruled over the Kings of the earth; the significant known world, of that time.
If the Jesuit, Luis De Alcasar, could persuade that, The APOCALYPSE - The REVELATION to John, already happened; the association with what is happening ... then, now & soon, is minimized. However, anyone with reasonable discernment, should at least realize a repeat of history/prophesy.
The Big Problem
The APOCALYPSE - The REVELATION to John, was Seen, about 25 years after, Nero & the fall of Jerusalem; 95-96 AD. it is vain/naive/disturbing, to look for its fulfillment in, either of these events.
More info on Preterism > covenanter.org/pondreview
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