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Dreams & Visions

The topic of Dreams & Visions, invokes interest, aversion, confusion &/or clarity. Most of us have had dreams, often invoking confusion, sometimes coming true. Fewer have visions.

My focus here is to share my experiences regarding dreams & visions, not teach about this topic, at this time.

1985 October 8th, at age 27, after reading the New Testament, I gave my life to Jesus (received him as my LORD & Savior), was saved (from my old life), & born again (received the Holy Spirit), to live a new life for Jesus, not myself or others. I read the scriptures (Bible) on average, ~ 8-16 hours per day for 3 months, then ~8 hours per day for almost 3 years. I acquired my own Hebrew for Old Testament & Greek for New Testament, reference library, for original language word studies.

                1985 mid December, I was given a book. I knew in my spirit & spoke to the gentleman, who gave it to me,

‘This book is of God, but for reading at a later date

1986 ~March – God called me to a few day fast. The next morning, the 1st day of the fast, I happened to be starting the book of Revelation. After I prayed, the letters became 3D illuminated & elevated off the page. Out of my mouth came, ‘Lord, over the next few days you are going to open up the book of Revelation to me.’ During those days, HE revealed to me, the chronology (sequential order of events) in the book of Revelation. GOD DID NOT REVEAL ANY DATES TO ME. I also understood that, the information revealed would become more relevant in later years.

The 2nd day of the fast, I woke I woke up, with it clearly on my mind, “Get the book,” knowing it was the book given to me 1985 mid December, which I had stored in a box.  

From 9-11 (2001) onward the relevance has been growing exponentially. April 2005, 19 years after the 1986 dream, I was given a dream, inspiring me to put the END TIMES CHRONOLOGY into print, in the article, WHAT NEXT ??? – see, 2005 April dream (below). 

1987 summer dream/vision – an angel at ceiling level, beside my bed, was pointing down at me, in my bed, telling someone, that I was “anointed & appointed ...” I woke up feeling the intense warmth of God’s presence.

1988 – Some Christian brothers nicknamed me, "Pit-Bull for Jesus” because of my ability to captivate persons, when sharing the gospel. I had no dogs at the time. A decade later, this became quaintly prophetic J – see 1999 VTV News.

1989 ~May dream – I was driving a big car slowly in Vancouver, BC Canada (where I was residing).

Then I was watching a soccer game.

1990 January – I was given the car shown me in the 1989 ~May dream, with hand controls.

1990 May dream – about having an exam in 28 days. I felt led to fast, but did not have the heart for it.

June 5th, I took & passed a driving test with hand controls. The next morning …

June 6th dream – Jesus was standing between 2 women, pointing at me, saying that I did not love him. I woke up convicted about my reluctance to fast. I started fasting – water only.

Towards the end of the month a white odorless smoke appeared in my apartment. I searched everywhere, looking for the source. Then I heard “My sheep hear my voice.” I felt foolish; as I came to the realization, it was the Glory Cloud of the Lord – as in Solomon’s Temple, 1 Kings 8: 11. This happened to prepare me for what would occur July 4th.     

July 1st (Dominion Day – Canada), I felt led to start drinking juice for 3 days, without sleeping – not that difficult because of the intense energy supplied by the juice, after 25 days of water. I drove the car, given to me 1990 January (above) to pick up a friend, and then go to Church. I stopped in to visit 1st. We happened to watch a World Cup soccer game live on TV.

I realized this was the conclusion of the 1989 May dream (above), driving in the big car, followed by watching a soccer game.

June 6th dream + 28 days =

July 4th (American Independence Day) – about 3 AM, I was going to have solid food for the 1st time in 28 days. As a friend of mine prepared us a couple of vegetable sandwiches, I saw 5 visions, in my living room, the size of 5 large TV screens. My friend could not see them. I asked God to open his eyes as Elisha asked God to open his servant’s eyes, in 2 Kings 6:17. God opened my friend’s eyes & he saw the 5 visions as well. We ate our sandwiches, as if at a theater, while we viewed:

1.       In the 1st screen, my Pastor & his wife of Hope Reformed church Vancouver, were sitting on a couch, as persons walked back & forth, through their living room with luggage - which happened. Over the next few years, 1 daughter & 2 sons got married. The 2 sons & their wives moved to Alberta, to pastor churches. A 3rd son, remaining single, also moved to Alberta, to pastor a church, eventually returning to become the pastor, when his father retired.

2.       In another screen, God showed me, the daughter who got married above, was having some conduct issues, troublesome especially to her mom. I was shown she would eventually get it together, and then get married – which happened.

3.       In another screen, I was shown how specific people from my past, were crossing paths with me in the future – which was & did happen, particular persons & circumstances came to my attention.

4.       In another screen, I saw myself down at English Bay Beach, Vancouver witnessing. While elements of the dream were relevant, I never seemed to understand the FULL relevance. Many years later I realized that the dream referred to a young man, Dave, who I met at English Bay Beach, & inevitably interacted with for a decade.

5.       In the middle screen, I saw a young man, with glasses & goatee. He leaned forward protruding out of the screen, turning into a 3D image, and then froze. 4 ฝ months later, a young man with glasses & a beard became 1 of the 1st occupants at our 1st ministry house. A month later, he shaved off his beard leaving a goatee – subsequently I recognized him as the man in the vision. 

v  All 5 visions were pertinent & actualized # 5 being exceptional.

My friend had left at ~4 AM. At ~4:30 AM, I felt led to leave the visions & have a shower.

After the shower, the WHITE GLORY CLOUD OF THE LORD (above) appeared to me again, but much more dense & expansive. This time I was audibly asked, “You are still in the chair, will you do it?” The context was in regards that I knew I was called to ministry the month I was born again, in October 1985. Since then, ministry has always been in my heart. However, I never wanted the official responsibility of formal ministry, as a paraplegic, in a wheelchair. I replied, “Yes Lord.” HE told me, “Feed my sheep.” Afterward, as I lay on my bed, I felt waves of the HOLY SPIRIT, flowing through my body for about 20-40 minutes.

The entire experience was about 3 hours, from ~3 – ~6 AM.

Looking back:

  Breaking the 25 day water fast, Dominion Day was related to my 1st 10 years of ministry in Canada.

  Breaking the 3 day juice fast, Independence Day was related to my 2nd 10 years of ministry in the USA.

v  In the 1990 May dream, ‘the 28 days until the test’ related to God appearing to me after 28 days of fasting, & calling me to ministry.

Afterward, I felt led to phone everyone in my address book. I invited whoever was available to a BBQ at my place that evening. At the end of the evening, I informed that the Lord had called me to ministry & that I would start by having fellowship dinners every Thursday evening. This grew into Bread of Life Ministries, 1243 Broadway, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

A few months later, I started a number of Christian Ministry houses to serve people; men & women who wanted to know/grow in Jesus, needed/wanted a safe place to stay/live, needed/wanted help with substance abuse, needed/wanted help in any way we could help. I COULD NEVER SEE JESUS ANSWERING THE DOOR & SAY, “SORRY WE DO NOT TAKE IN WOMEN OR MEN …


The only stipulation was cooperating with rules so basic, that less would threaten the Christian environment.

$ was never a requirement.

We had 3 central houses at a major intersection, Broadway & Clark, in Vancouver BC Canada. In 8 months, we started 5 houses. Later this became 3 houses & 3 apartments on Broadway. Our 1st year’s budget was $111,000, with only $5,000 donated. We had a $6,000 surplus at the end of the year. We eventually had our own Moving Business, BORN AGAIN MOVERS – “God moved us. We will move you.” An outreach with apartment in New Westminster, 10 miles away & a BIBLE CAMP, on 70 acres, near Cultus lake, Chilliwack, BC & a Food Bank.

Further, that year (1990-91), my Christian Apologetics gelled, pertaining to an ability to scientifically prove God as a fact & that HE authored the scriptures. From 1990 – 2000, I shared this information with hundreds, if not thousands. On average in 30-60 minutes, 7-9 out of 10 people, believed Jesus must be God, even if they were atheists, when our conversation commenced. ‘It must be true’ was often their reflexive response, without prompting – followed by, “I’m not sure, I am ready to deal with it.” My response, “You don’t need me, you can talk to God yourself, anywhere. I hope you do not wait too long,” making it clear, that I wanted nothing from them.

Later, inspired by a 2004 September 19th dream, I wrote an article on this topic, titled RealityCheq - 2004 December 8th (below).       

1994, September 19th dream – in San Antonio, Texas. I saw myself, in the Vancouver ministry kitchen, saying goodbye to a former house leader, and then relocating to the Fraser Valley. I would later go to Southern California.

Fulfilled in 2000, September 19th, 21st & 2001 January 14th. (below).

10 years to the day follows a significant 2004 September 19th dream.

1995, ~ April dream – in Santa Ana, California. I saw a man from the mountains, north of Santa Ana, come to meet me in Santa Ana.

We travelled south through San Diego, into Tijuana, then further south, down the coast of Baja, Mexico.

During that spring of 1995, in Santa Ana, California, I did a significant amount of fasting. I had numerous prophetic dreams, 1 of which was a dream revealing that the daughter of the pastor & his wife in the in the July 4th - vision 1, was getting married, per the July 4th - vision 2. I phoned Vancouver … she was getting married that day.

1996 – Against my initial efforts, I ended up with a male Pit-Bull, pre-named, “Skunk.” Shortly thereafter he got stolen. I adopted a female shepherd, I named “Rachel”. She got into something that stunk. I said, “You smell like a skunk.” Later that day, God miraculously gave Skunk back to me, on my 11th Spiritual Birthday, October 8th. One day I had Skunk pull me amongst a bunch of children, on a basketball court. It was so much fun that after some experimentation, I had Skunk & Rachel pulling me home. These 2 dogs became Patriarchal, to multiple generations of Pit-Bull-Shepherd dogs that have & do pull my wheelchair. At one time with 2 in each hand, we were clocked at 28 mph, on flat ground.

~1998 – I took a serious drug addict, named Chris, off the street. He got his life right with the Lord & got clean. One morning, months later, he told me he had a dream. He said, in the dream, he was in heaven on a group tour, with a tour guide. He saw this large complex. He asked the guide, whose it was. The guide said, “Vance’s.” Chris has passed away since. I remembered this, near the end of writing this article & felt compelled to share it. I hope he is with Jesus.

1999 – VTV News. I was being harassed by a young police officer, who was antagonistic to me, because I was a Christian, though I was a positive influence in the neighborhood. Even helping the apartment manager next to our ministry houses, save the Non Profit Neighborhood Policing facility, by designing, printing & posting flyers & putting on a free-dinner for the community at the church we attended – for public awareness of the said facility. This officer organized 2 raids on our houses in 6 months. A Stock Broker, addicted to cocaine that I helped off the streets knew the previous Mayor’s son, who was a lawyer. This Lawyer arranged a news meeting at our houses, to address the issue. This led to VTV News, ultimately doing a

5 minute Feature Story, on the houses, the dogs & myself …

VTV News – Feature Story of the Year. In the video, the announcer amusingly refers to me as the “Pit-Bull Prophet”, yet,

per the 1988 nickname Pit-Bull for Jesus, I had forgotten about.


Just a brief note on the dogs in this video. The property they lived on (the center house) had no fence, & was on a very busy street. The dogs were permitted to go in & out of the house freely, as they could be trusted not to leave the property, unless escorted. They could be trusted to stay lying down indefinitely, until I returned, without being tied, outside any building. Within a few months after this video, 4 of the dogs, 2 in each hand, could pull me at 28 miles per hour, for miles. 

I have prophet gifting. I’d be a liar if I said otherwise. However, I do not go by a title. It is not wrong, if correctly applicable, to use titles – God & mankind use them. Personally I prefer using my 1st name. I have no problem addressing others by titles, if it is their preference. I disclose Dr. on the website & in articles, to inform that, the author has a Doctorate, based primarily in the sciences & thus writes from an informed perspective. The author writes on uncomfortable topics, because our generation, CHRISTIANS INCLUDED, have their heads in the sand, thinking that they can subject reality, to their personal perspective, & abdicate responsibility, to some other entity or perspective.

IF WE DO NOT WAKE-UP & do something soon, many are going to suffer & we are going to be held accountable. When I choose, I do possess Pit-Bull tenacity, likely why God uses me the way he does. I was a national champion wrestler in 3 years – that does take tenacity. If I sound boastful … I also have a profound ability, for profound intermittent IDIOCY. However, it is not wise to thus think my writings may easily be dismissed – in a class of 150; I finished in the upper 5 percentile, on the National Board exams. Regarding the scriptures, not many have read on average, 8 hours/day, for ~3 years. Praise be to Jesus, we only have what He has given us, or given us the ability to achieve. He gives more grace to those who have less, & holds those with more, more accountable. Ouch.

2000 April dream – Through the dream & some incidents that occurred that morning, I felt that the Spirit of God was motivating me to shut the Vancouver ministry down. I announced the decision that morning. Reflecting on the matter, months later, I was inclined to believe, that the Lord would not let another entity shut down the ministry. However, because the Lord was ready to move me on to my next assignment, I was inspired to shut it down.

2000, September 19th – concluded an imminent move of the ministry & myself, from Vancouver, to the Fraser Valley, ~50 miles, where I had just purchased a house. On September 21st, the day of departure, a former house leader that I had not spoken with, in months, showed up unexpected & unannounced, meeting me in the kitchen of the dream. Somewhat into our conversation, I realized I was living the

1994, September 19th dream (above), without opportunity to intentional or subconsciously manipulate the situation. I knew Southern California was next, but since this event took 6 years, & I had just bought a house, I anticipated Southern California would be at least years later.

2000, October – hand controls & a wheelchair lift were donated to our ministry. We put these in our

JESUS VAN: with Jesus logos, created by a recovered cocaine addict, I helped numerous times. At this point, I realized I would probably be driving to Southern California – this made the trip more imminent.

But certainly not as soon as …

2001, Sunday JANUARY 14TH DREAM – I saw a HOUSE, & heard the Lord’s voice saying, “I would have provided I woke up speaking,

“You would have, TOO LATE or You would have, GET GOING,” to Southern California, per the 1994, September 19th dream. I prayed about it all that day, being assured it was, get going. I replied, “Lord I will be across the USA border, by midnight.” I packed my personal belongings & 5 service dogs, in the van & was across the border that evening. It should be understood; I had just bought & moved into a house, 4 months previous.

I stayed in a motel, just across the border, in Blaine Washington, that night. I took care of some personal matters the next day & headed for Southern California, 1:40 AM, January 16th, with my friend & ministry house leader, Dale Tagseth, who came with me for the 1st few weeks. It was impressed upon me to be expedient, go straight there & do not deviate. I drove about 30 of 34 hours, arriving in Las Angeles CA, noon Wednesday, the 17th.

We tripped around greater LA & Orange County, getting a feel for the lay of the land. Even though I had money & was self sufficient I was treated as needy, thus persons, churches, ministries, CHRISTIANS being pseudo-friendly & evasive – concerned I might stay around & they might be inconvenienced. I saw opportunities to be helpful, but was not going to intrude. I write this to emphasize a point made in the previous dream, not realized until the next Sunday, as follows.

This gets interesting. Friday, Dale & I are in a men’s clothing store, talking to a Jewish man about Jesus. This middle aged man joins in, and then goes back to shopping. I feel lead to talk to him after I am finished speaking to the 1st man, but he disappeared. However, he gave the 1st man a Christian tract. On the back was GREENVILLE COUNTRY CHURCH & phone #. I phoned, no answer, a message, but didn’t receive messages. I felt I was to speak to him by the end of the weekend, but that was now unlikely, as it was Friday mid afternoon, churches were generally closed Saturdays, Sundays they were in service or closed.

Saturday ~10 AM, I felt led to call again, against the odds. A man who usually was not there, but doing bookwork, answered & gave me the phone # of the gentleman I met the previous day. I phoned him, but he was going to be at a memorial service that day. He invited us to their church the next day, Sunday.

The Church was near Trinity Broadcasting Network, about 40 minutes from where we were, so we decided we would go to TBN, to watch a Christian movie that day, & go to the church the next day.

At TBN, in a 10 minute preview before the movie, Founder Paul Crouch refers to, ‘the oldest operational Protestant Church, in Orange County … GREENVILLE COUNTRY CHURCH.’ I say to Dale, “that’s the church we are going to tomorrow.”

The next morning, at Greenville Country Church, an elder had a headache, so I prayed for him & he was instantly healed. After the service, I finally get to speak to the man I met in the store. I realized why God did not let us speak then ... He kept saying, ‘You have a house in Canada. You need to go back to Canada.’ Regardless of how many times I replied, “God sent me here.” I declined multiple offers of food & gas money, offered as if I was needy, when I was not.

After the evening service, Dale & I were introduced to a man who was not in the morning service. Almost the 1st thing he said was, ‘You can stay at my house as long as you want,’ in Corona.

THIS WAS THE FULFILLMENT OF THE 2001, Sunday JANUARY 14TH DREAM (1 week earlier, to the day)– I saw a HOUSE …

(above). I politely said we would accept, at least for the night. It was a single story, 4 bedroom house, thus wheelchair accessible; with a fenced in back yard for my dogs. He loved my dogs so much that, when I needed to travel by plane or bus, he would gladly take care of them. In return, we cleaned, organized, repaired & maintained his house, garage & yard, though not expected. Dale returned to Canada a few weeks later.

2001, March – I’m tripping around Las Angeles, in our JESUS VAN, with my dogs. I’m lead to this hospital, which had been transformed into a Christian ministry, the Dream Center. I am tripping around with my dogs pulling me in my chair. A number of their vehicles had these awesome Air Brushed murals ... “Wow … Praise God … I think I see … I do see this guy, Hector Rios air brushing.” I think his work is awesome. He thinks my dogs are cool. He is a brother, in Christ. We talk for a while. I feel very strongly, we met for a reason, but why? …

To be revealed June 2005

2001, April in Santa Ana – as foreshown in the 1995, ~April dream, I was introduced to Jeff Baclet, who was from Reno, 5000 feet in the mountains, north of Santa Ana. The 1995 dream is further fulfilled below in 2010 & 2011.

2001 – 9/11 occured the year I was sent to the USA. This was not happenstance. That morning, the Lord had me sleep in, waking me to hear the 1st attack, on a radio not usually on. Then amazingly put back to sleep, to wake up to hear the 2nd attack, amazingly put back to sleep, to wake up to an overview of the attacks. Though this day was significant, bible prophecy was clear; it was not the end, or Armageddon.

I was suspicious when I watched videos of the 2 WTC towers coming down at free-fall speed, as if imploded, in classic demolition format. But not being an engineer, I did not conclude - more on this later, in

2004 December 911 update (Below).

2002 New Years Eve – God audibly spoke to me, ‘This year I will show you why you are here (in USA).’

2 months later, the ministry house I bought in Canada, caught on fire, from a wiring defect, existent before purchased – thus covered by insurance. However, it was obvious, that I was not returning to Canada, other than visits, indefinitely.

When I got off the phone, I took my dogs for a run. A big Samoan man impressed by my dogs, chased me down & introduced himself. He started to tell me about Samoa. As he did, I felt the Lord was telling me I was going there. I went home & researched the Samoan Islands & as I did, the Lord confirmed that directive. Jeff came home, from Philadelphia, as I was on the computer. He caught on right away. The Lord was showing me that, THE SOUTH PACIFIC ISLANDS (ocean mountain tops) were potential places of refuge, in the troublesome days soon to come, Mat. 24: 15-22 Rev. 12: 6.

A young man, recovering from substance abuse that I helped off the street, in the early 1990’s, who became a House Leader, now was a successful young married Christian man, & owner of a construction company; I could trust with the contract to repair the house, while I administrated from the USA.

2002, June 28th – on a plane headed for the Samoan Islands. Waiting to depart, I looked at my watch & realized it was the 17th anniversary, of breaking my back – nothing to celebrate. The day before this, a man I knew told me, that while he was driving, he saw a vision of me amongst numerous tall Samoans. I knew both events were generally significant, but still do not know specifically why, yet?

2002 November – Jeff & I relocated to Reno. I purchased a Go-cart trailer for $50 to help transport our stuff, with our 2 vans. An 8 hour tour, turned into a 3 day adventure. Incorporated, was praying for a woman whose eyesight had been damaged (colorblind) for years, as a consequence to pesticide poisoning. Her vision was instantly healed & she could see the colored details of her cat’s face, for the 1st time. 

2003 – Jeff & I were going to buy a property, with 2 houses, in Samoa, but God gave me a dream, that we were speeding, confirmed by a business deal going south, of which we were going to use the proceeds in the purchase.

2004 September 19th dream – 10 years to the day of the 1994 September 19th dream (above), I had this dream, in which I was going to go to Washington DC & New York ... HOWEVER ... the vehicle I was going to travel in, was in the shop.

The very morning of the dream, a friend came over, with some electric dog training colors, to train the puppies. Also, he had an expensive Roho bed air cushion (RARE), for preventing pressure sores; important for paraplegics. I used the air-cushion on the Canada, Washington DC & New York trips, for the van bed, in the van, I did not have till 2005.

The combination of the dream & my friend coming over, the same morning, with the items (unusual in themselves), back to back with the dream, was such awesome inspiration & confirmation united, from God; inspiring me to

train a new generation of puppies.

A month later my computer crashed & I rebuilt my 1st computer in October-November 2004. This finalized a growing inspiration to start

writing articles & build a Christian website, all in preparation for the trip.

Afterwards it was shown to me that I would be in Washington DC & New York, at the end of October & beginning of November. Another dream sometime during the following year showed me I would be in New York for my birthday, November 12. But I was not shown what year.

6 years later a new friend Ted had a dream, revealing the year to me.


2004 December 8th – I finished the 1st draft of my 1st article


Did thinking the cheque was good … stop it from bouncing? 

Understanding rational versus irrational reasoning, dialogue & behavior.


Is reality what you think or what it is, regardless of what you think?


2004 December   911 update – a friend sent me a link to a video … PENTAGON STRIKE, similar to this better video …

911 - Proof a plane did NOT hit PENTAGON - Experts agree. I looked at it over & over again.

The government official story is a lie. We must ask ourselves, “Why? Or risk being cowards.” It gets worse.


2004, December – I started building the RealityCheq.com website.


2005 April dream – I was to write an article for a class & time was running out … the professor was Hal Lindsey, End Times author of,

‘Great Late Planet Earth.’ I woke up … walked into the living area & to my right on the large screen TV, was Hal Lindsey, live on a Christian broadcasting network. The message was clear … it was time to write an article on END TIMES CHRONOLOGY based on what the Lord had shown me during the 3 day fast in March  1986 … the article is titled …


10 final events

The biblical sequence of events - NO dates

2005, 911 update, – It gets worse. I come across … The BBC News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! &

WTC 7 Freefalling as if demolitioned almost 7 hrs after the Twin Towers. Of course the entire government was not involved … but obviously some were … the rest understand, “don’t ask – don’t tellYes, there is more.   


2005 ~May – Jeff & I bought in Reno, a 1984 Dodge Ram van, made in Canada, originally purchased & used most of it time in Southern California, in awesome shape, with low mileage. The JESUS VAN was getting old …


2005 – I took a young friend, Grant to an evening service at his church, on the east side of Reno.

I decided to take the dogs for a run … as I pass around a corner, at the back of the church, I saw a cube van with a mural, (4 years later), instantly I am all but certain it is the Air Brush work of Hector Rios, from the Dream Center, LA, that I met 2001 March. I go back around, & in the church … sure enough … it is his work. I phone the Dream Center … “Hi Hector … I know why we met … God inspired me to start writing articles & build a website … I’m preparing for a trip to Washington DC & New York … I was thinking about creating a logo/mural on this van/trailer I am considering using for this trip, I am preparing for … go through my RealityCheq.com website & God will show you what do … 2007 April … the

birth of the RealityCheq.com van. You can see Hector’s awesome work @ … http://www.realitycheq.com/RC_300-08_Pictures.htm


On the passenger side of the van, you see the Liberty $20 Gold piece. In 2006 September, Hector did the outline draft of the Liberty $20 Gold piece coin.

I felt led to ask him to add the IN _ _ _ WE TRUST, because the USA is removing God from America. In 2007, for the 1st time, the USA gave the option of ordering a coin, this particular coin, the $20 Liberty Gold piece, with or without IN GOD WE TRUST.  

 2006 – Jeff & I flew to Samoa & were going to buy a house. God gave me a dream, telling me we were speeding again. Thus, we did not follow through on buying the house. I said, OK Lord but please do not let us be late.

2006 September 19th – While preparing the RealityCheq van & trailer for the mural, in California, where Hector Rios was going to Air Brush the mural, the van alternator failed & I took the van to a shop to be fixed. I have never had something as simple as exchanging an alternator, done in a shop. I took the van to a shop this time, only because I was on the road, time was imperative & doing the repair from a paraplegic platform was going to be time prohibitive. During the repair at the shop (Autozone), I realized it was the 19th, 2 years to the day, of the 2004 September 19th dream.

I left the van & trailer in CA, with Hector for the winter, for him to complete the mural.

Back in Reno shortly thereafter, Jeff & I were considering refinancing a property in Reno, through a contact in California. I had a dream that we were in a car. The contact person driving, I was in the passenger seat & Jeff in the back seat. We ended up in a ditch. After some due diligence, we realized the refinancing scheme was a scam – so we cancelled.

2007 April dream – I went on a trip without my shepherd Rachel, it was uncertain I would see her again.

Early May – because of external circumstances, I determined to go to Canada with the RealityCheq van & trailer, for an indefinite period of time – which ended up being 14 months. Rachel was getting old & climbing stairs was getting difficult. An older gentleman tenant, who loved my dogs, asked if I would leave her with him. She passed away in August & he passed away in December.

May 5th ~7 AM – I arrived at the Canadian border. A dear friend Peter, who used to run a dog of mine, Elijah, in the early-mid 90’s, had a dream at ~5:00 AM, that same morning. He had developed Schizophrenic issues in the later 90’s. In the dream some men in white, appeared to him – he woke up healed. I was able to visit & go places with him & the dogs, till I went to Edmonton, in November. He has been doing well, to this day. He travels to Europe every year or 2.    

I had spent the summer travelling throughout the Fraser Valley & greater Vancouver, BC Canada, staying in the RealityCheq van & trailer, with 4 of my service dogs.

2007 September – In Vancouver, on a Saturday I felt compelled to right a 1 page draft, on 911. The next morning, Sunday, in a coffee shop, I was sharing it with my friend, Peter. A guy who was running for mayor, heard me & told me that William Rodriguez, “The Last Man out of WTC 911” was speaking at the Vancouver Labor Union building that evening. He saved hundreds of lives & was the last man out of the towers. He was honored as a national hero, at the White House. I went & heard his testimony of how, “They experienced explosions in the Towers, BEFORE the 1st plane hit & many other issues, which declare 911, to be an inside job.” He turned down millions of dollars & risks his life, to tell us the truth. Many are cowards, in spite of people like him, who are trying to tell us the truth. His testimony can be watched here …

William Rodriguez 2006 "9/11 The Last Man Out." I did more research, and then back in Reno NV … wrote an article in the Spring of 2009 - 911 Brief.


2007 November 7th dream fulfillment – Trip to Edmonton: I felt lead to go to Edmonton, to open a ministry house for the homeless. I was travelling in my van with trailer, following a group of Christian brothers, driving in a Limousine, to a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International gathering, in Edmonton. We hooked up in the mid-latter evening, in Chilliwack, with the intent of driving all night.  

v  Early in the trip, their driver got diverted in Hope BC. The driver was navigating streets in a fashion, difficult for me to keep up with, in my van & trailer.

I realized I HAD EXPERIENCED THIS EVENT IN A DREAM in Reno NV, a few years earlier. The dream showed me specific events on this trip & my 1st month in Edmonton – I actually told people things that would happen before they happened. When I awoke out of the dream, I remember being baffled, as there was no directive for me to be in Canada, not to mention driving to Edmonton.

We got back on the highway. The events in bullet points all happened ACCORDING TO THE DREAM:

v  They were driving fast, trying to make time. It was so difficult keeping up I considered options of reconnecting in Edmonton, if they left me behind.

A few hours into the trip, we thought it wise for one of them to ride shotgun with me, to assure I did not fall asleep.

v  After Banff National Park, on an extremely straight highway most of the way to Edmonton, whenever I decelerated, I heard erratic clicking. I told the guy riding shotgun, it would be OK & I would find out in Edmonton, what the problem was.

v  As we approached Edmonton, a different guy, riding with me, was offended by the others & in spite of my advice, jumped out at a light & took a bus back to Vancouver.

v  In Edmonton, I found out the mechanical problem was blown trailer bearing – the wheel was literally flopping around on the end of the axle. It was a good thing the weight was distributed in a way that kept the opposite wheel on the ground.

I was with a Christian brother I met in Edmonton, at a restaurant, meeting with the owner of a house I would rent. Privately, I told the brother, I am to rent this house, but I feel something is going to go wrong.

v  When parking the trailer in the back yard of the house I rented, the landlord redirected me from where I was going to park the trailer, to another spot … beside a tree, close to the back door of the house, AS IN THE DREAM – this was when in the dream I had a bad feeling about the situation.

The landlord had said he would remove his stuff from the garage & basement. After I moved in he became vague about when. The master bedroom was the only bedroom on the main floor. I set up my air bed in the living room so he could use the master bedroom, on intermittent weekends, if he was in town, until I needed the space. The line got crossed, when he started harassing me for keeping the temperature warmer, than he thought it should be. I need to stay warmer because of slow blood circulation & I was paying the utilities. It was a battle, but I got him to agree to end the contract at the end of the month & return my deposit. That evening, at ~7:30 PM, the 1st rental agent, I phoned, from the yellow pages, answered & had a place a couple blocks away, available December 1st.

v  When he showed me the house, I recognized the back yard & sundeck, FROM THE DREAM.

This house was not available, when I rented the 1st house, in an area appropriate for the needs of the situation. The 1st house was a stepping stone, appointed by God; the landlord was a professing Christian, who was not listening to God, in areas the lord wanted to minister to him in, through me. In little time the house was full, & a local news paper published a page article & picture. I handed it off to a married Christian couple, when I returned to Reno June 2008. The husband was one of the 1st persons I took in, who became my 1st house leader. The rental agent of the 2nd house was a non believer, who got touched by God, through our relationship.

2008 June, I returned to Reno NV.

2008 September 8th, my dog Moses was diagnosed with Kidney failure. I was advised to put him down. Because he was only 5 ฝ years old, I decided to try to help him with natural applications. I got him somewhat better & stable – but not normal. Thus I still had to continue giving him interstitial fluids injections, syringe feed him, & restrict his activities – he could not pull my chair with the other dogs. One day a Christian sister & I prayed for him … wow … instantly his appetite revived & he started eating dog treats & pig ears that he was iffy to eat, when normal. I took him home & ran him with the other dogs, pulling my chair. I was able to take him off the interstitial fluids injections & he was eating normal. He was back to living an ordinary life. I kept him on the natural remedies, as a preventative.

2008 October 12th evening, I got a bad chill & got sick ... my bladder ruptured … the next morning, my friend Jeff, found me semi-unconscious & phoned 911. The hospital surgeon, operated that night for 8 hours. I went into a coma. After 3 days, the hospital told Jeff to prepare for my demise. While in the coma, God had spoken to me, asking me would I like to ‘Stay here or leave.’ I realized I had not finished my task here, but because I do not like living as a paraplegic, I asked, “If I stay, how long?” God answered, “13 years.” I replied, “I’ll stay

I also asked a question, of which I was told I would have an opportunity in 2-3 years. During the stipulated time period, I got my answer, to my disappointment. The scenario is too complex for this forum. However, it could not have been predicted by a delusion, thus the God experience was not a delusion.

After 11 days in a coma, my eyes popped open. 6 days later I was discharged, in spite of the doctor insinuating a lengthy stay. 

2008 + 13 = 2021?   Will I pass away or go up in the Rapture?

A few days after I awoke from the coma, still in the hospital, I had a dream-a where I was walking Moses, I turned to look at something, I turned back & he was gone … I woke up with a sunken heart. My dreadful impression materialized, in the near future. Towards the end of November, my 2 females went into heat, thus Moses would not eat or drink enough … he relapsed. In retrospect, I should have put him back on interstitial fluid injections, as a preventative. I got him stable, but he was back on interstitial fluids & though eating, not normal.

A week into December Moses & I were out running & walking together, as he could not run pulling my chair with the other dogs again. He collapsed … no breathing, no pulse … tongue turning blue … cars rushing by.

I said, ‘Lord, if this is it … at least he died doing what he loved to do. I hope that is how I go. However, I felt I should at least pray for him. I prayed commanding healing, in Jesus’ name … he coughed … time … he coughed … time … he coughed … after having been stone dead at least 5-10 minutes … his eyes opened. I thought wow; God must have a plan for him to be alive. Yet, the next morning I had a dream-b that he was getting an injection in his leg, to be euthanized.

I thought, I can still pray & intercede, as Moses did for the people (Exodus 32: 7-10-11-14), & prevent this from happening. So I did & I even had at least 1 dream where I was shown specific food, which helped him. However, he never got back to normal again. He was on interstitial fluid injections. His appetite was diminished. He could not pull my chair with the other dogs.

2009 February – Moses was stable but not getting better. He greatly detested the interstitial fluid injections. One evening, he really protested his injection. That was it. I would not want to live that way myself, so the next day, I showered him, fed him a special meal, took him for our final run-walk, brought him home & had him euthanized at home. Just writing this broke me out in tears. The veterinarian injected him in the leg, as seen in the dream-b, after dream-a, which showed me he was leaving me. He would have been 6 years old on the 27th, of that month.

2010 March – Jeff came into my room to show me a sailboat for sale in Hawaii. We phoned & got no response, but the seed was planted. I was not interested in sailing as a paraplegic. However, after prayer & re-consideration we realized we were to sail not fly to the South Pacific.

We found a prospective sailboat in San Francisco, the preferred location, having the closest coastal marinas to us, in Reno. After inspection, our experienced sailboat adviser concluded it was not a good choice.

However, we did obtain a sailing magazine from the marina the boat was at.

2010 – April, a young man that we helped off the street in Reno, Ted, had a dream directing him back to school … there was a stack of papers, which said, ‘THE END OF OCTOBER & THE BEGINNING OF NOVEMBER 2010 Ted did go to a cooking school that fall.

I said to Ted, “That dream was not just for you, it was for me. I am to go to Washington DC & New York this year.

Early June – the same young man, Ted, leafing through the sailing magazine, we brought back from San Francisco, spotted a Trimaran sailboat in San Diego. We went & checked it out, with the same adviser, who advised “no,” on the San Francisco boat. He gave a thumbs-up on the San Diego boat.

We planned to sail it to back to San Francisco during the summer.

Later June – Jeff & I went to Canada as I needed to renew my passport & drivers license. I also needed to renew my 2-3 year, R1 Visa, for the USA. On the way back into the USA, new requirements for an R1 visa, made it not worth renewing, so I determined I would settle for a 6 month tourist visit. I was denied entrance into the USA, & my dogs were in Reno. We were delayed for about a week. It got so bad, we considered me flying into Tijuana, Mexico & then bringing the sailboat into Mexico. We had it all worked out, then we got a reasonable man at the border, who helped us get past the block. However, we still determined to move the boat into Mexico in January 2011, as my 6 months tourist visit would expire January 8, 2011.

2010 October 16th – I headed for Washington DC & New York   ...   arriving in Washington DC about Oct 28th & New York on November 12th … my 53rd birthday.

December 9th – I arrived back in Reno.

2011 – End of January, per 1995 dream,

Jeff myself went to Ensenada, and then brought the boat from San Diego to Ensenada, south of Tijuana, Baja, Mexico.

This was the conclusion of the 1995 dream.

v  I had the dream, which did not mention a boat.

v  Buying a sailboat was Jeff’s idea.

v  Neither of us were sailors.

v  San Francisco was our preferred marina location.

v  Our advisor gave the red light on the San Francisco 1st sailboat consideration.

v  The sailing magazine was gleaned from our San Francisco journey.

v  Ted found the sailboat, leafing through the sailing magazine we picked up in San Francisco.

v  Our advisor gave the green light on the San Diego sailboat consideration – in spite of the location.

v  We planned to sail it to San Francisco, not leave it in San Diego or take it into Mexico.

v  Mexico was not even a consideration, until Vance had the USA border problems, coming back from Canada.

v  Entering Mexico January 2011 was determined by the limited 6 month USA visit, clocked from July forward.

v  South of Tijuana was because Tijuana does not have a marina.


  My entering Mexico January 2011, 10 years to the month, subsequent to,

  My entering the USA January 2001 was subject to all of the above.

v  I had never been to, nor considered going to Mexico before the,

 1995, ~ April dream – in Santa Ana, California.

v  Until the 2010 July Canada-USA border issue, I had no intention of making it happen.

2013 RESURRECTION Weekend – I had a dream. But 1st, ‘Why not use the term EASTER?’

Jesus was resurrected (His body raised back to life) on Sunday, about the same time the Pagans celebrate Easter –

THEY ARE NOT THE SAME EVENT. The term “Easter” appears only once in the our English (KJV) Bible, Acts 12:4, translated in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, from a word of Chaldee origin, “pascha” pronounced pas'-khah, actually referring to the “Passover.” “pascha” is generally translated “Passover.” Acts 12:4 is the only time it is translated Easter. The pagan fertility ritual of Easter is about the same time as Passover, when Jesus was crucified, then RESURRECTED 3 days later, on a Sunday. These proximities have induced the traditions of man to amalgamate pagan Easter rituals, with the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection. Consider, the Word of God does not mention anything about colored eggs / bunny rabbits – involved in Pagan rituals. God is not so concerned about the word “Easter.” He does prohibit involvement in pagan rituals – worse, combining them with the commemoration of His Son’s resurrection. Thus using the term Easter may not be tragic, but being caught up in pagan rituals is not good - with pagan intent, it is catastrophic. I prefer avoiding unnecessary association with paganism, by simply using terminology that is more relevant.  

Back to the dream – In the dream … I have had numerous dreams in the format of being back in Chiropractic College where exams were impending & I did not feel prepared or I had finished exams & was concerned about how I did. In this dream, I graduated. The Dean said I did well. I looked at him with reservation. He intensely looked in my eyes & emphatically stating,


I consider God was encouraging me, as I know I have messed up big time, many times. I have had many dreams where it appeared I had not done well or questionable, compared to a few where I did well. Balance is necessary, in our Christian walk, so we do not get puffed up when things go well & we do not give up, when things go bad.


2014 August – we rented house in Alisitos, Baja, Mexico, between Tijuana & Ensenada.

Writing all of this now affords no pride, as my initiative for writing this, was motivated by the fact that I am feeling very vulnerable, being a paraplegic in Mexico, in these troublesome days.

I WAS DETAINED OVER NIGHT AT THE USA BORDER, recently on a day trip to San Diego. The simple proof, I was not a threat; is I was released into the states the next morning. How does a paraplegic, with a doctorate & having been a national champion wrestler, with no criminal record, travelling with his wife & service dogs, get detained at a border of a so called civilized country?

Correctly, evaluating all the above became prudent for me, in order to determine if I was where God wanted me, or determining I had made a wrong turn somewhere. A prejudiced answer was no solution. If I made a mistake, I needed to consider getting back to Canada. If I did not, I need to proceed, with CAUTION.

No pride is afforded; though I am almost certainly where I should be, I have made so many mistakes along the way that God would be just, if he allowed the floor to drop out from under me.

If I prevail on my present journey, I have nothing to declare but …


Pertaining to … 1987 dream/vision – an angel at ceiling level, pointing down at me, in my bed, telling someone, that I was “anointed & appointed” ...

I woke up feeling the intense warmth of God’s presence.

During recent reconsiderations of that experience, the word “APPOINTED” has gained impact … giving the impression that the purpose of the anointing will prevail – not seek a following, rather serve those attempting to understand what is happening & provide wisdom, as to how to respond, while still pointing people to Jesus.  

Vance may be, at times, controversial. However, no one has known him to be a blatant liar or fictitious. He is not certifiable, nor does he have substance abuse issues. He like all has made his mistakes, including 1 grandiose high-flying catastrophe. It was laborious to write the foregoing truths. To fictitiously create such, would be extremely mind-numbing – contrary to his nature. THUS these experiences are of GOD or SATAN.

Salvation may not be at issue here … BEING PREPARED … for what God told us is happening … IS AT STAKE.


REVELATION (Apocalypse) a book of VISIONS is the last book of the Bible, because it foretells us of the FINAL EVENTS which are unfolding before our very eyes; a GLOBAL RULING SYSTEM now in process, which will soon culminate in a Global Leader, a Bio-identity Tracking System (microchip etc.). For decades now, those warning us of an impending

ONE WORLD ORDER, have been labeled, ‘Wacky conspiracy theorists, who must also believe in little green martens.’ However now, numerous influential identities have & are advocating a New World order. Such statements have increased exponentially since 911; blatantly confirmed publicly, in this 2 ฝ minute video …

Obama, Bush, Clinton, Kissinger speak of New World Order 2:39 – the PEOPLE have been blinded by their leaders.

Consider, Jesus’ own people, cried, “CRUCIFY HIM,” having been blinded by their leaders.

The image of Christianity has been tainted … by the present leaders. Global persecution of Christians is on the rise – the media minimizing it coverage. 

The people then, allowed themselves to be deceived by their leaders, thus rejected their advocate (Jesus) – thus, their advocate killed (crucified).

40 YEARS AFTER JESUS WAS CRUCIFYIED, their enemy (the Romans) DESTROYED JERUSALEM – the people thereof, slaughtered.

The people now, allow themselves to be deceived by their leaders (secular & Christian), thus rejecting their advocates (those exposing the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda) – thus their advocates will be killed.

AFTER THE ADVOCATES ARE TERMINATED/apprehended, their enemy, the NEW WORLD ORDER will cause the remainder to live under tyranny. Those rejecting the Bio-electric Identity System (microchip etc.), will be TERMINATED/apprehended, as their advocates were. Those who accept the Bio-electric Identity System (microchip etc.) will live under tyranny, and then ultimately be “tormented with fire. … forever & ever” (Rev. 14: 9-11), which is “the 2nd death” (Rev. 20: 10, 14-15).

Neither God nor I advocate anarchy or disrespect / rebellion against legitimate authorities, in matters that do not oppose God; who is the ultimate authority. We are not to submit to an authority, in matters of rebellion against God. We must all seek God individually & collectively. It is not a time to neglect hearing our authorities, rather a time to verify not just what they are telling us, but what they are omitting. Then compare what is, or not, against scripture. Obey God 1st, man 2nd.

As then, so it is now, if the people continue to irresponsibly neglect to apprise themselves of what is happening … they will again, repeat history … by allowing themselves to be deceived by their leaders (secular & Christian) … they will assist their enemy … destroy their advocates … who are attempting to save them … ultimately being destroyed by their enemy.

No matter what your belief / social preferences

In spite of all the knowledge, technology & amenities



We can allow ourselves to be

Un / intentionally distracted.

No matter how much propaganda

The world is getting worse.


Each generation of social – technology advancement

Considered constructive ... Actually destructive

Promises improvement … Produces damage

Under the guise of liberality … by hypocrites.


We must take it upon to ourselves to break free

From our contemporary perspectives

Look at both sides of the current issues

Objectively reevaluate = scientific perspective.















Perhaps it is time to clean the closet of our mind?

Keep what can be proved … discard what can be disproven.

What cannot yet be proved or disproved, should be put on the shelf, for future evaluation.

Potentially critical issues should be evaluated 1st.


Then to scientifically (no degree necessary) evaluate what is truly happening

STOP the elite from intimidating us

With intimidating contemporary mottos that belittle us


Endorsed by professional opinions,

Promoted as facts = science, falsely so called, 1 Timothy 6:20


TRUE SCIENCE relative to their own definition 

Is realistically observing & evaluating the evidence

Without emotion, to avoid triggering preconceived opinions


Then conclude on each BIAS:


TRUE - if there is substantial data 

Of which 95%+ supports the BIAS.

Conclude, but keep an open mind, to new information, as we are human & fallible.

Information, proven to be of God (scripture), is absolute fact. Reasonably question our comprehension & application. However, avoid questioning the obvious, with confusion, which obstructs effectualizeing God’s intent.


Less than 95% = INCONCLUSIVE

It is extremely prudent not to conclude below this level. However, when a decision dependant on the information related to the BIAS, is required, because a non-answer will have a wrong effect; one can make a decision somewhat proportionate to the below formula. It should be understood that the decision is a calculated guess – thus, it is prudent to, make such decisions conservatively.


75% = probably

55% = possibly

45-55% = CAUTION

45% = unlikely

25% = probably not

5% = FALSE


We are approaching ominous times, when to believe those in power, have our best interest in mind, is naive at best.

The Founding Fathers of the USA declared, ‘Relinquishing freedom for safety, will actuate neither.’


The consequential motive & outcome of 911, was the Patriot Act, which grossly intruded on American freedom; under the guise of sacrificing freedom for safety – contrary to the intent of the Founding Fathers.

Land of the free, home of the brave – not anymore, otherwise the people would do what their Founding Fathers did to Britain.  


The Founding Fathers further declared …

 ‘When the government fears the people, there is freedom. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.   

Suspecting conspiracy in all dubious circumstances is unstable.

Never considering conspiracy is naive.

It is how much conspiracy - not all or none.

The INSIDERS are at odds trying to hide or expose conspiracy.

In these contemporary times, the overthrow is, not by lawlessness, but by changing the laws. The laws may have been changed unlawfully, through complex corruption – that matters not to the unconscionable involved. Their interest is only, in deceivingly manipulating the sheeple, to naively / cowardly relinquish their rights, via new laws, under the guise of maintaining, ‘A nation of Law.’ Just ignore the fact that it is still corrupt, or you might be convicted to do something about it. Just hope you are out of here before it gets too bad … but what are we leaving the next generation. Not much of an issue, to this generation, that is more concerned about self, than others – not realizing, as previous generations, if we do not help others, in their time of need, perpetuates no one to help us, in our time of need.

To help others understand these ominous times, if I am of God, I am not trying to get you to believe me, but the truth. If those who know me, are unlikely to believe me, as Jesus declared in …  

Mat 13:57  And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house.

What about those who do not know me. This should help; instead of only listening to me, I am going to provide, or direct you to information that will help inform you of how to comprehend … what was … what is … &

what is going to happen (no dates):




v  THE SCIENTIFIC PROVABILITY OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD / THE SCRIPTURES were & are of him, & that as receptionists, men wrote what they were told, not what they thought ... go to & read the RealityCheq article. This is also a good brief, Apologetics article, for disciples, wanting to help others become disciple.






   A 2 page BIBLICAL OVERVIEW  from Genesis to Revelation







  What Made the USA Great ???

  Moral - Majority

  911 Brief




    ~95 AD?



v  You may want to come back to this page periodically to see if there are any updates. 





The peace of God be with you !!!




Copyright 2004-2013   Dr. Vance Coan   *



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Genesis to Revelation - A brief synopsis.



WHAT NEXT ? - 10 final events - are you ready ?


911 Brief



FINAL 5 Empires -

what WAS is NEXT






~ 95 AD?

What Made the U.S.A. Great ??? - Democray under God made this Nation Great & Democracy without God is & will destroy it.




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Biblical References:

The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.


Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon,

(Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.



Unless otherwise stated.

